Doctor of Musical Arts in Piano Performance, University of Minnesota (Twin Cities)
Dora Tsang holds the Doctorate of Musical Arts in Piano Performance from the School of Music, University of Minnesota. She received the Master of Music degree and Performer Diploma at Indiana University, Jacobs School of Music. Her teacher includes Queen Elizabeth Competition Prizewinner Evelyne Brancart, Lee Phillips, Timothy Lovelace, Linda Yim, Lydia Artymiw and Paul Shaw.
Dora currently serves as a guest keyboardist in the Macao Orchestra. She was a faculty in Collaborative Piano at the School of Music, Chinese University of Hong Kong in Shenzhen. As an emerging artist, she has performed in many piano recitals and chamber recitals in Hong Kong, mainland China, North America and Europe. She has recorded chamber music program for the Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK4), the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department. She has appeared in the “Chamber Music Connection” series presented by the LCSD, the Mozarteum Summer Music Festival, the Futien CBD Sky Music Series, Macao International Music Festival, Joe Hisaishi 360, le French May Arts Festival, as well as the Celeste Series at the All Saints Cathedral.
曾樂冰博士 Dr. Dora TSANG
旅美青年鋼琴家、美國印第安納大學積可斯音樂學院鋼琴表演碩士及演奏家文憑,並以近乎全額獎學金完成美國明尼蘇達大學鋼琴演奏博士學位,主要師承伊麗莎白王后國際音樂大賽得獎者 Evelyne Brancart、指揮及鋼琴家 Timothy Lovelace、著名鋼琴家 Lydia Artymiw、香港鋼琴家嚴翠珠,並隨美國鋼琴家 Lee Phillips 修讀鋼琴協作及室內樂,曾受多位著名鋼琴大師指導,包括莊雅斐教授、巴西鋼琴家 Arnaldo Cohen、美國鋼琴家 James Giles、法國鋼琴家 Jean-Louis Haguenauer及 Emile Naoumoff。歷年來獲多個獎項,包括美國明尼蘇達大學 Judson and Barbara Bemis Graduate Fellowship、美國 Coltman室內樂比賽決賽入圍選手、美國印第安納大學 Artist Excellence Award。
曾氏具有豐富的獨奏、室內樂經驗,作品詮譯從巴洛克到現代音樂均有涉獵,在舞台表演方面見解獨到,曾於香港、北美及奧地利等地演出,如薩爾斯堡莫扎特音樂學院、香港康樂及文化事務署《小品雅韻》系列音樂會、久石讓 360系列、澳門國際音樂節等,並多次與香港管弦樂團中提琴首席凌顯祐、香港管弦樂團大提琴首席 Richard Bamping合作,她曾為香港管弦樂團、香港電台及香港康樂及文化事務署錄製室內樂節目,表演錄音也於香港電台等知名媒體播放。過往參與香港浸會大學音樂研討會,且於不同比賽擔任評審工作,亦為澳門樂團客席樂師。
留美期間擔任鋼琴系助教、管弦系藝術指導,曾於香港中文大學 (深圳) 音樂學院擔任藝術指導,近年成立個人工作室,致力於鋼琴教學和演奏雙線發展。